Embodied Spiritual & Leadership Development with Lainie Love Dalby

It's time, Beloved...

...to come out of hiding, unleash your authentic soul expression, co-create your life as a great masterpiece for the good of all & help heal the world. 

Here’s how I can helP you claim your power & ecstatic embodied leadership potential...

Sacred Offerings

Through her private mentoring, Oracular Astrology Readings, live events, speaking & sacred art, Sacred (R)evolution Oracle Deck & Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy (EEL Academy), Lainie Love creates containers of deep healing, sacred play, soul growth & alchemical transformation so you can step into your innate primal power & ecstatic embodied leadership potential. This life-changing work includes ceremony and ritual, ancient wisdom, spiritual practices, depth inquiry, Qoya movement, expressive arts, & Shamanic Healing so you can feel more comfortable in your own skin, return to wholeness, and express your full radiance in the world, SPARKLING Shamelessly for all to see. Come as you are, leave as MORE of who you are!

Lainie Love's Mission

Lainie Love is a Lightning Catalyst & Transformational Facilitator on a mission to free human spirits to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® and step into their authentic power & sovereignty. Pegged as a 'Global Midwife for the 21st century,' she’s an Ecstatic Embodied Leadership™ Mentor, Fierce Trailblazer in Women’s Spirituality & Empowerment, Ceremonialist, #1 Bestselling Author & Sacred Artist. She’s also a potent Oracular Astrologer & the creatrix of the Sacred (R)evolution Multi-media Oracle Deck. Lainie Love has been affectionately referred to by her clients as “Halley’s Comet in heels”, “a true visionary, inspirational leader, and holy healer,” “a star being and powerful warrior that stands fiercely for all people,” and “a potent source of love, wisdom & support” who “puts the SPARKLE in spirituality.”

The Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy

Our upcoming Great Homecoming IN PERSON Sister Retreat, online courses, trainings & Sovereign Sisters Rising Mystery School 7 Month Initiation and the 4 Level Advanced Sacred Circle Leader Certification are powerful containers designed to IGNITE you into your full soul expression & Ecstatic Embodied Leadership potential.  Through all of our offerings, our ultimate goal is to help you re-member who you truly are & why you’re here at this most powerful time in human by unleashing your bold creativity, innate wildness, primal power, fierce feminine courage & innate Sovereignty. By learning, practicing and rooting into the 13 Pillars of The Sacred of Sparkling SHAMELESSLY in our trainings & the #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary Inner Circle we BECOME the change and maintain a sustainable burn. 

Speaking & Teaching

Rev. Lainie Love Dalby is on a quest to help YOU live a deeply engaged life, leave normal in the dust, & shake the world. She delivers keynotes, facilitates groups, & transforms the lives of her audiences by injecting deep wisdom, expertly holding sacred space, audaciously delivering conscious content & always building multi-sensory and immersive experiential learning into each engagement. 

Soulful Sermonettes

Rev. Lainie Love is serving up Bi-Monthly Oracular Astrology Readings on youtube, as well as soulful sermonettes with daring style, deep substance and Divine SPARKLE.  She is an on- camera personality that riffs on everything from self-expression, to aliveness, to our human condition, to oneness, to soul care, to relationships, to embodied leadership, to Booty shakin', deep nourishment, to her specialty: the 13 pillars of The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly.


Step inside with our #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit Version 2.0. Come honor and revere the gift of your embodiment in this lifetime by remembering your inherent #SOULSPARKLE & Divinity within. Let Lainie Love be your guide in igniting your creative & (r)evolutionary potential, so you can co-create your life as a Great Masterpiece for the good of all and Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® .

Sign up here for bimonthly videos & a FREE PDF Guidebook of 22 Oracle & Tarot Card Spreads!

Get access to bi-monthly Oracular Astrology Readings, as well as a potent PDF guidebook that lays out 22 different readings & sacred geometries you can do to fuel your creativity, strengthen your soul’s journey & expedite your quantum expansion. The PDF will be delivered instantly to your inbox! 
