[VIDEO] Scorpio 'Season of the Witch' & the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Oracular Astrology Reading

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio! It's my season and I'm feeling it in energy cell of my body! There’s a powerful new reading up on our youtube to support you in moving through this accelerated eclipse portal of change and transformation. We are in the cauldron of deep transformation and alchemy now and it’s a powerful opportunity to call in both life changing endings & new beginnings that are amplified a thousand fold.

Scorpio season is also the season of the WITCH, and in particular, the GREEN WITCH.

The Path of the Green Witch is our newest course in the Academy just in time for Scorpio season. It's a way to reconnect with the alchemist, the herbalist, the wise woman, and the healer in you. This knowledge may be forgotten and lay dormant, but it runs in your blood and is ingrained in your bones. Through her path you will re-establish your miraculous connection to nature: its wisdom and healing power.

This course will support you in grounding in the energies during this time and stabilizing your system through the catalytic changes that are afoot. 


The early bird discount on The Path of the Green Witch Course ends Oct. 31st on Samhain!

The Green Witch uses the energies of plants and trees around her to heal others. She is defined by her relationship to the world around her, her ethics and her harmonious relationship, as well as her attunement with the natural world.  She works with the plant's chemistry, energy and spirits for healing and transformation. She calls on nature and its elements for guidance and protection.  


She embraces and respects the power of nature and of herself; she draws energy from the Earth and the Universe. She heals the collective trauma of isolation and disconnection by being included into the web of life and being ONE with Earth and all living beings. 


The Green Witch lives in harmony and balance with the Earth, but also with humanity and herself. Come learn the art of distillation, essential oils, hydrosols and working with the elements to support your transformation during this eclipse portal!


If you're feeling called to step on the Path of the Green Witch, now is the time, Beloved