Episode 012: IGNITE YOUR INNER FIERCE FEMININE FLAME with Rock Star & Artivist Maya Azucena



with Rock Star & Artivist Maya Azucena

Episode 012


In this interview I’m in conversation with one of my dear soul sisters, singer/songwriter, performer, artivist and overall BADDASS Maya Azucena! In it she shares:

  • About her own (r)evolutionary journey that led to her sacred work in the world and shining so bright with her unique #SOULSPARKLE! 

  • What sacred practices she uses to stay rooted in her passionate and infinitely sunny Fierce Feminine Flame and to keep it at a sustainable burn while on tour and on center stage, performing sometimes for weeks at a time in multiple countries.

  • What it means to be a He(art) Warrior, and to deliver your deepest gifts to meet the worlds deepest needs.

  • How she’s motivated by not only her deepest joy, but also her deepest heartbreaks with her artivism work.

  • The personal & deeply moving inspiration for her recent single “Prettiest”.


Maya Azucena is a magnetically inspirational woman known for making music that uplifts the soul. Among several awards for her music and humanitarian outreach, Maya garnered a Grammy Certificate for contributing her 4-octave range and soul-stylings to a feature performance with Stephen Marley on Best Reggae Album of the Year, “Mind Control.” Critically acclaimed, she’s an avid independent touring artist and songwriter who performs globally and collaborates extensively on stage and records with both national and international stars. She also launched a "Fearless" campaign to empower women and girls, in support of survivors of gender-based violence. 

You can find her at: http://mayaazucena.com/